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SQL injection

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SQL injection is serious

SQL injection is a serious problem that needs to be taken care of thoroughly. A single vulnerability can be enough for an attacker to dump your whole database, and potentially seize your database server. We've blogged about the severity of this threat on the jOOQ blog.

SQL injection happens because a programming language (SQL) is used to dynamically create arbitrary server-side statements based on user input. Programmers must take lots of care not to mix the language parts (SQL) with the user input (bind variables)

SQL injection in jOOQ

With jOOQ, SQL is usually created via a type safe, non-dynamic Java abstract syntax tree, where bind variables are a part of that abstract syntax tree. It is not possible to expose SQL injection vulnerabilities this way.

However, jOOQ offers convenient ways of introducing plain SQL strings in various places of the jOOQ API (which are annotated using org.jooq.PlainSQL since jOOQ 3.6). While jOOQ's API allows you to specify bind values for use with plain SQL, you're not forced to do that. For instance, both of the following queries will lead to the same, valid result:

// This query will use bind values, internally.
create.fetch("SELECT * FROM BOOK WHERE ID = ? AND TITLE = ?", 5, "Animal Farm");

// This query will not use bind values, internally.
create.fetch("SELECT * FROM BOOK WHERE ID = 5 AND TITLE = 'Animal Farm'");

All methods in the jOOQ API that allow for plain (unescaped, untreated) SQL contain a warning message in their relevant Javadoc, to remind you of the risk of SQL injection in what is otherwise a SQL-injection-safe API.

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