Data Geekery Support Options

Free Community Support

The jOOQ community is a very active place where you can ask questions and get quality help for free. To be able to continue offering free support, we request that the community follow these guidelines:

  • Bug reports and feature requests go to github. Please follow the issue templates and provide all the information necessary to reproduce your issue.
  • Q&A style support questions go to Stack Overflow. It is the best forum for Q&A as it enforces simple rules to make answering both simple and complex questions efficient.
  • Open ended questions as well as questions for the community (e.g. "best practices," or "Spring Boot integration," etc.) go to the user group or reddit.
  • We do not offer support by email to non-paying customers.

Commercial Support

In addition to the community support channels, paying customers have access to included email support. Please use your work email and/or reference your license information with your support request.

If private 1:1 support isn't necessary, we do recommend the community support channels also to paying customers for increased efficiency.

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