Available in versions: Dev (3.21) | Latest (3.20) | 3.19 | 3.18 | 3.17 | 3.16 | 3.15 | 3.14 | 3.13 | 3.12

Error handling

Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition   ✅ Express Edition   ✅ Professional Edition   ✅ Enterprise Edition

This optional top level configuration element allows configuring the action to be taken by the generator in case of unexpected exceptions encountered during the code generation.

XML (standalone and maven)
Gradle (Kotlin)
Gradle (Groovy)
Gradle (third party)

  <!-- Behaviour when encountering an exception. Defaults to FAIL -->

  <!-- Behaviour when encountering an unused configuration element. Defaults to LOG -->

See the configuration XSD, standalone code generation, and maven code generation for more details.

new org.jooq.meta.jaxb.Configuration()

  // Behaviour when encountering an exception. Defaults to FAIL

  // Behaviour when encountering an unused configuration element. Defaults to LOG

See the configuration XSD and programmatic code generation for more details.

// The jOOQ-codegen-gradle plugin has been introduced in version 3.19 only.
// The jOOQ-codegen-gradle plugin has been introduced in version 3.19 only.
generationTool {

  // Behaviour when encountering an exception. Defaults to FAIL
  onError = "FAIL"

  // Behaviour when encountering an unused configuration element. Defaults to LOG
  onUnused = "LOG"

See the configuration XSD and gradle code generation for more details.

The available error actions are:

  • FAIL - The exception will be thrown and handled by the caller (e.g. Maven)
  • LOG - The exception will be handled by the generator by logging it as a warning
  • SILENT - The exception will be silently ignored by the generator


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