Available in versions: Dev (3.21) | Latest (3.20) | 3.19 | 3.18 | 3.17 | 3.16 | 3.15 | 3.14 | 3.13 | 3.12 | 3.11
This documentation is for the unreleased development version of jOOQ. Click on the above version links to get this documentation for a supported version of jOOQ.
Record Version and Timestamp Fields
Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition ✅ Express Edition ✅ Professional Edition ✅ Enterprise Edition
jOOQ's org.jooq.UpdatableRecord
supports an optimistic locking feature, which can be enabled in the code generator by specifying a regular expression that defines such a record's version and/or timestamp fields. These regular expressions should match at most one column per table, again either by their fully qualified names (catalog.schema.table.column_name) or by their names only (column_name):
<configuration> <generator> <database> <recordVersionFields>REC_VERSION</recordVersionFields> <recordTimestampFields>REC_TIMESTAMP</recordTimestampFields> </database> </generator> </configuration>
See the configuration XSD, standalone code generation, and maven code generation for more details.
new org.jooq.meta.jaxb.Configuration() .withGenerator(new Generator() .withDatabase(new Database() .withRecordVersionFields("REC_VERSION") .withRecordTimestampFields("REC_TIMESTAMP") ) )
See the configuration XSD and programmatic code generation for more details.
import org.jooq.meta.jaxb.* configuration { generator { database { recordVersionFields = "REC_VERSION" recordTimestampFields = "REC_TIMESTAMP" } } }
See the configuration XSD and gradle code generation for more details.
configuration { generator { database { recordVersionFields = "REC_VERSION" recordTimestampFields = "REC_TIMESTAMP" } } }
See the configuration XSD and gradle code generation for more details.
generationTool { generator { database { recordVersionFields = "REC_VERSION" recordTimestampFields = "REC_TIMESTAMP" } } }
See the configuration XSD and gradle code generation for more details.
As always, when regular expressions are used, they are regular expressions with default flags.
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