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AND, OR, NOT boolean operators

Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition   ✅ Express Edition   ✅ Professional Edition   ✅ Enterprise Edition

In SQL, as in most other languages, conditional expressions can be connected using the AND and OR binary operators, as well as the NOT unary operator, to form new conditional expressions. In jOOQ, this is modelled as such:

(TITLE = 'Animal Farm' OR TITLE = '1984')
BOOK.TITLE.eq("Animal Farm").or(BOOK.TITLE.eq("1984"))

The above example shows that the number of parentheses in Java can quickly explode. Proper indentation may become crucial in making such code readable. In order to understand how jOOQ composes combined conditional expressions, let's assign component expressions first:

Condition a = BOOK.TITLE.eq("Animal Farm");
Condition b = BOOK.TITLE.eq("1984");
Condition c = AUTHOR.LAST_NAME.eq("Orwell");

Condition combined1 = a.or(b);             // These OR-connected conditions form a new condition, wrapped in parentheses
Condition combined2 = combined1.andNot(c); // The left-hand side of the AND NOT () operator is already wrapped in parentheses

The Condition API

Here are all boolean operators on the org.jooq.Condition interface:

and(Condition)            // Combine conditions with AND
and(String)               // Combine conditions with AND. Convenience for adding plain SQL to the right-hand side
and(String, Object...)    // Combine conditions with AND. Convenience for adding plain SQL to the right-hand side
and(String, QueryPart...) // Combine conditions with AND. Convenience for adding plain SQL to the right-hand side
andExists(Select<?>)      // Combine conditions with AND. Convenience for adding an exists predicate to the rhs
andNot(Condition)         // Combine conditions with AND. Convenience for adding an inverted condition to the rhs
andNotExists(Select<?>)   // Combine conditions with AND. Convenience for adding an inverted exists predicate to the rhs

or(Condition)             // Combine conditions with OR
or(String)                // Combine conditions with OR. Convenience for adding plain SQL to the right-hand side
or(String, Object...)     // Combine conditions with OR. Convenience for adding plain SQL to the right-hand side
or(String, QueryPart...)  // Combine conditions with OR. Convenience for adding plain SQL to the right-hand side
orExists(Select<?>)       // Combine conditions with OR. Convenience for adding an exists predicate to the rhs
orNot(Condition)          // Combine conditions with OR. Convenience for adding an inverted condition to the rhs
orNotExists(Select<?>)    // Combine conditions with OR. Convenience for adding an inverted exists predicate to the rhs

not()                     // Invert a condition (synonym for DSL.not(Condition)


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