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SQL Parser API

Applies to ✅ Open Source Edition   ✅ Express Edition   ✅ Professional Edition   ✅ Enterprise Edition


Historically, jOOQ implements an internal domain-specific language in Java, which generates SQL (an external domain-specific language) for use with JDBC. The jOOQ API is built from two parts: The DSL API and the model API, where the DSL API adds lexical convenience for programmers on top of the model API, which is really just a SQL expression tree, similar to what a SQL parser does inside of any database.

With this parser, the whole set of jOOQ functionality will now also be made available to anyone who is not using jOOQ directly, including JDBC and/or JPA users, e.g. through the parsing connection, which proxies all JDBC Connection calls to the jOOQ parser before forwarding them to the database, or through the DSLContext.parser() API, which allows for a more low-level access to the parser directly, e.g. for tool building on top of jOOQ.

The possibilities are endless, including standardised, SQL string based database migrations that work on any SQLDialect that is supported by jOOQ.


This parser API allows for parsing an arbitrary SQL string fragment into a variety of jOOQ API elements:

See this blog post for more information about the various jOOQ types.

The parser is able to parse any unspecified dialect to produce a jOOQ representation of the SQL expression, for instance:

ResultQuery<?> query =
   .parseResultQuery("SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1, 'a'), (2, 'b')) t(a, b)")

The above SQL query is valid standard SQL and runs out of the box on PostgreSQL and SQL Server, among others. The jOOQ ResultQuery that is generated from this SQL string, however, will also work on any other database, as jOOQ can emulate the two interesting SQL features being used here:

The query might be rendered as follows on the H2 database, which supports VALUES(), but not derived column lists:

from (
      null a,
      null b
    where 1 = 0
  union all (
    select *
    from (values
      (1, 'a'),
      (2, 'b')
    ) t
) t;

Or like this on Oracle, which supports neither feature:

from (
      null a,
      null b
    from dual
    where 1 = 0
  union all (
    select *
    from (
        from dual
      union all (
        from dual
    ) t
) t;

References to this page


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